Saturday, November 21, 2009

Starting Point

Hi everyone this is my first time blogging so please bear with me. I'm going to be blogging about myself and the journey to finding me and will post any interesting, possibly useful and sometimes just random information.

It started with a weird dream I had recently. I was holding onto a kitten and shortly after that the kitten bit me in the hand. If I remember right it kinda licked at the wound it had me before snuggling into my arms. I don't remember much of the middle of the dream other then the kitten becomes a cat somewhere in that time and stays with me throughout the entire dream. As the dream starts to come to an end I'm sitting down with the kitten now full grown cat in my lap and petting it. Someone comes up to me (I can't see who it is) and says "So you've finally found your familiar". The person (which was female) sounded a little annoyed when she had said that. Weather it was because I should have found my familiar sooner or something else I'm not really sure.

This dream confused me and in some ways still does. How can I have a familiar when I'm a Christian. Christians don't have familiar's so why did I have a dream that I found mine? It is very confusing and had me worried to the point where I didn't know what to think. I talk with a group of people every night and one of them suggested that I look up information on 'Christian Wicca'. Shortly after I started looking up information on it and found it interesting. In some ways this it made things less confusing but in others it didn't.

I will be posting as I look up and search through more information on this subject and hope that through this I am able to find myself and maybe help others with their search as they follow with me. I'm not perfect and I certainly don't know everything and that is why I'm searching. Any information I post will have some mention of where I found it and who it was by (if applicable). I will also make mention if something is posted straight from a site, person, or article and if there is a problem with that I will remove the post as needed.

It is not my intention to offend anyone or any religion so please forgive me if i do so. In writing this I hope to learn a lot about myself and just to learn in general. So any who wish to follow me in this journey may and we can learn together. Feedback and other possible sites of interest are welcome as well as possible search subject's for future posts.

Thank You for reading and hope you have a good night.
